miércoles, 22 de julio de 2015

#CiberDemosCratos #Efemerides 20150722
#SinLugar #EnUnMundoAlterno #ElInformal , #CirCuloDelLátigoNegro #InternationalWorkShop #ArtEtPhotographie #FraternidadFilantroPicaFutorologaDelFalismo
Un diario para las generaciones XYZ.
#CanciónDelDía Raphael - "Yo soy aquel" (Eurovision 1966)   https://youtu.be/HzeVGSNyf-0
#FraseDelDia Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional existen "indicios de una probable participación de personal militar" en el asesinato de los jornaleros. http://internacional.elpais.com/internacional/2015/07/21/actualidad/1437498969_937648.htm
#FraseDelDia CNDH alertaba del "clima de violencia"
#FraseDelDia “El nuevo organismo será un espacio laboral de servicio público que no admite el abuso de poder, el tráfico de influencias y las prácticas indebidas”, el gobernador.
#FraseDelDia La Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional ha hecho un comunicado en el que reconoce que según las propias pesquisas del Ejército existen "indicios de una probable participación de personal militar" en el asesinato de los jornaleros. http://internacional.elpais.com/internacional/2015/07/21/actualidad/1437498969_937648.html
#FraseDelDia  "... hemos demostrado que los niños de hogares con bajos ingresos muestran un desarrollo estructural atípico en varias áreas críticas del cerebro, incluyendo el total de la materia gris, el lóbulo frontal, el lóbulo temporal y el hipocampo", Nicole Hair http://elpais.com/elpais/2015/07/21/ciencia/1437472152_294616.html
Allá por 2050 los edificios serán bajos, con techos alargados y rematados con varias puntas por los lados, con paredes de cristal para aprovechar la luz natural, tendrán molinos de viento cerca y paneles solares para generar su propia electricidad y contarán en su interior con ingenios tales como “sensores de confort” y “sensores de ocupación”. Al menos, así lo imagina Siemens que acaba de abrir a orillas del río Támesis, en Londres, una suerte de centro cultural desde donde soñar cómo serán las ciudades del futuro… The Crystal, es “uno de los más sostenibles del mundo” y pretende dar ejemplo a sus visitantes que llegarán ante sus puertas en busca de soluciones para las ciudades del futuro… Un sistema de ventilación de baja energía… Un sistema eléctrico y energético inteligente… Recolección de agua de lluvia y reciclaje de aguas residuales… Un sistema de calefacción eficiente… Un entorno sostenible con jardín comunitario… http://sociedad.elpais.com/sociedad/2012/09/26/actualidad/1348670574_125464.html

1951 – Dezik (Дезик) and Tsygan (Цыган, "Gypsy") are the first dogs to make a sub-orbital flight.
#FelizAniversário #FelizCumpleaños #HappyBirthday #JoyeuxAnniversaire
#BuonCompleanno #Nacimientos
1651 Ferdinand Tobias Richter, Austrian organist and composer (d. 1711)
Capriccio in d , Ferdinand Tobias Richter https://youtu.be/hdEAmy4I2D4
1702 Alessandro Besozzi, Italian oboe player and composer (d. 1775)
Sonata in do maggiore
Andante - Allegro - Larghetto - Allegretto
1713 Jacques-Germain Soufflot, French architect, designed the Panthéon (d. 1780)
1849 Emma Lazarus, American poet (d. 1887)
known for "The New Colossus", a sonnet written in 1883; its lines appear on a bronze plaque in the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
On a background of pale gold I would trace with quaint design, Penciled fine, Brilliant-colored, Moorish scenes, Mosques and crescents, pages, queens, Line on line, That the prose-world of to-day Might the gorgeous Past's array Once behold.
   On the magic painted shield
    Rich Granada's Vega green
        Should be seen;
    Crystal fountains, coolness flinging,
    Hanging gardens' skyward springing
        Emerald sheen;
    Ruddy when the daylight falls,
    Crowned Alhambra's beetling walls
        Stand revealed;
   Balconies that overbrow
    Field and city, vale and stream.
        In a dream
    Lulled the drowsy landscape basks;
        Mark the gleam
    Silvery of each white-swathed peak!
    Mountain-airs caress the cheek,
        Fresh from the snow.
   Here in Lindaraxa's bower
    The immortal roses bloom;
        In the room
    Lion-guarded, marble-paven,
    Still the fountain leaps to heaven.
        But the doom
    Of the banned and stricken race
    Overshadows every place,
        Every hour.
Self-Portrait, 1906
American painter
New York Restaurant (1922)
American painter
Drug Store 1927
American painter
Two on the Aisle.jpg
Two on the Aisle 1927
American painter
Captain Upton's House, 1927. Oil on canvas, 28 x 36 in.
American painter
Blackwell's Island (1928).jpg
Blackwell's Island (1928)
American painter
Ground Swell, 1939
American painter
Gas, 1940 by Edward Hopper.jpg
Gas 1940
American painter
Edward Hopper, Seven A.M., 1948.jpg
Seven A.M., 1948
American painter

Sun in an Empty Room, 1963 by Edward Hopper.jpg
Sun in an Empty Room, 1963
American painter
1884 Odell Shepard, American poet and politician, 66th Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut (d. 1967)
Where the long valley slopes away
Five miles across the dreaming day
A maple sends a scarlet prayer
Into the still autumnal air,
Three golden-smouldering hickories
Are fanned to flame beneath the breeze
And one great crimson oak tree fires
The sky-line over the Concord spires.
In worship mystically sweet
The rimy asters at my feet
And spiring gentian bells that burn
Blue incense in an azure urn
Breathe softly from the aspiring sod:
"This is our utmost. Take it, God,—
This chant of green, this prayer of blue.
This is the best thy clay can do."
O lonely heart and widowed brain
Sick with philosophies that strain
Body from spirit, flesh from soul,—
Worship with asters and be whole;
Live simply as still water flows
Till soul shall border brain so close
No blade of wit can thrust between
And hearts are pure as grass is green;
Pray with the maple tree and trust
The ancient ritual of the dust.
1887 Gustav Ludwig Hertz, German physicist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1975) Hertz's early researches, for his thesis, involved studies on the infrared absorption of carbon dioxide in relation to pressure and partial pressure. Together with J. Franck he began his studies on electron impact in 1913 and before his mobilization, he spent much patient work on the study and measurement of ionization potentials in various gases. He later demonstrated the quantitative relations between the series of spectral lines and the energy losses of electrons in collision with atoms corresponding to the stationary energy states of the atoms. His results were in perfect agreement with Bohr's theory of atomic structure, which included the application of Planck's quantum theory.
1888-1973 – Selman Waksman, Ukrainian-American biochemist and microbiologist
1952 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of streptomycin, the first antibiotic active against tuberculosis.
1898 Stephen Vincent Benét, American poet and author (d. 1943)
                             And so, to you, who always were
                              Perseus, D'Artagnan, Lancelot
                              To me, I give these weedy rhymes
                              In memory of earlier times.
                              Now all those careless days are not.
                              Of all my heroes, you endure.

                              Words are such silly things! too rough,
                              Too smooth, they boil up or congeal,
                              And neither of us likes emotion —
                              But I can't measure my devotion!
                              And you know how I really feel —
                              And we're together.  There, enough,...!
Alexander Calder Cow.jpg
1898 – Alexander Calder, American sculptor (d. 1976)
known as the originator of the mobile, a type of kinetic sculpture made with delicately balanced or suspended components which move in response to motor power or air currents.
1909 Licia Albanese, Italian-American soprano and actress (d. 2014)
Licia Albanese singing "Un bel di vedremo" from Puccini's "Madama Butterfly." This was a Metropolitan Opera radio broadcast of January 17, 1953. https://youtu.be/gZINNVrgXec
Mario Lanza & Licia Albanese sing "Dio Ti Giocondi" from "Otello" by Giuseppe Verdi in this 1955 recording for the "Serenade" soundtrack where Constantine Callinicos conducted the Waner Bros. https://youtu.be/OtVt0ar7iA0
1949 – Alan Menken, American pianist and composer
plays a medley of some of Disney's best known songs https://youtu.be/m-WhOZZstiU
David Mcintosh BW tumblr_m6y030Nr911qbknk8o1_1280.jpeg
David Mcintosh BW 376528_10150910999585841_526578636_n.jpeg
#FotosDelDía David McIntosh
1980 Tablo, South Korean-Canadian rapper, producer, and actor @blobyblo #HappyBirthDay!
1980 – Scott Dixon, New Zealand race car driver
won the 92nd Indianapolis 500 in 2008
1981 Fandango, American wrestler #HappyBirthDay! @Fandango

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