jueves, 11 de junio de 2015

#CiberDemosCratos #Efemerides 20150611

#SinLugar #EnUnMundoAlterno #ElInformal , #CirCuloDelLátigoNegro #InternationalWorkShop #ArtEtPhotographie #FraternidadFilantroPicaFutorologaDelFalismo
Un diario para las generaciones XYZ.
Se notifica que los contribuyentes a que se refiere el Anexo 1 del presente oficio se han ubicado en el supuesto previsto en el artículo 69-B, primer párrafo del Código Fiscal de la Federación. http://www.dof.gob.mx/nota_detalle.php?codigo=5396187&fecha=11/06/2015

Artículo 69-B. Cuando la autoridad fiscal detecte que un contribuyente ha estado emitiendo comprobantes sin contar con los activos, personal, infraestructura o capacidad material, directa o indirectamente, para prestar los servicios o producir, comercializar o entregar los bienes que amparan tales comprobantes, o bien, que dichos contribuyentes se encuentren no localizados, se presumirá la inexistencia de las operaciones amparadas en tales comprobantes. http://www.diputados.gob.mx/LeyesBiblio/pdf/8_070115.pdf

NORMA Oficial Mexicana NOM-036-SAG/PESC-2015, Pesca responsable en el Lago de Pátzcuaro ubicado en el Estado de Michoacán. Especificaciones para el aprovechamiento de los recursos pesqueros...
El procedimiento de medición de la Longitud Total ...
1)    Se toma el ejemplar y se coloca sobre el ictiómetro en forma longitudinal sobre la graduación, haciendo coincidir la punta del hocico …

ACUERDO SO/II-15/10.02,S del H. Comité Técnico del Consejo Nacional de Normalización y Certificación de Competencias Laborales, por el que se aprobaron los Estándares de Competencia que se indican.
… entre otros...
5.     Instalación de sistemas fotovoltaicos en residencia, comercio e industria
18.   Promoción del Desarrollo Rural Sustentable de la Agricultura Familiar
31.   Elaboración de guión de televisión
36.   Prestación de servicios de consultoría en negocios
39.   Producción ejecutiva de cine
40.   Producción ejecutiva de televisión
1895 Paris–Bordeaux–Paris is sometimes called the first automobile race in history or the "first motor race".
1935 – Inventor Edwin Armstrong gives the first public demonstration of FM broadcasting in the United States at Alpine, New Jersey.

DialogueDInsectes. Miró

Loplop Introduces Loplop - Max Ernst
cell surface antigens.jpg
1968 Lloyd J. Old identified the first cell surface antigens distinguishing cells of different lineages, introducing the concept of cell surface antigens that could differentiate different cell types.
1982 – The Sentosa Musical Fountain was officially opened as part of the second phase of construction on the island of Sentosa, Singapore.
2004 Cassini–Huygens makes its closest flyby of the Saturn moon Phoebe.
#FelizAniversário #FelizCumpleaños #HappyBirthday #JoyeuxAnniversaire #BuonCompleanno #Nacimientos

1540 Barnabe Googe, English poet (d. 1594)
Give money me, take friendship whoso list,
For friends are gone, come once adversity,
When money yet remaineth safe in chest,
That quickly can thee bring from misery;
Fair face show friends when riches do abound;
Come time of proof, farewell, they must away;
Believe me well, they are not to be found
If God but send thee once a lowering day.
Gold never starts aside, but in distress,
Finds ways enough to ease thine heaviness.                         
1555 Lodovico Zacconi, Italian composer and music theorist (d. 1627)
1572 – 1637 Ben Jonson, English dramatist is best known for the satirical plays Every Man in His Humour (1598), Volpone, or The Foxe (1605), The Alchemist (1610), and Bartholomew Fayre: A Comedy (1614),
Play Every Man in His Humour by Portland Community College, Arts Center. Spring 2012 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkM8v0m3URg
1588 George Wither, English poet (d. 1667)
Me so oft my fancy drew
Here and there, that I ne’er knew
Where to place desire before
So that range it might no more;
But as he that passeth by
Where, in all her jollity,
Flora’s riches in a row
Do in seemly order grow,
And a thousand flowers stand
Bending as to kiss his hand;
Out of which delightful store
One he may take and no more;
Long he pausing doubteth whether
Of those fair ones he should gather.
First the Primrose courts his eyes,
Then the Cowslip he espies;
Next the Pansy seems to woo him,
Then Carnations bow unto him;
Which whilst that enamour’d swain
From the stalk intends to strain,
(As half-fearing to be seen)
Prettily her leaves between
Peeps the Violet, pale to see
That her virtues slighted be;
Which so much his liking wins
That to seize her he begins.
Euclid by Antonio Cifrondi, Italian painter (1655-1730)
Francesco Antonio Bonporti 1672-1749 Italian priest and composer
Concerto a 4 No. 8 in D major: I. Allegro" de Stanley Ritchie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cv4Gsr9tSOY
1690 Giovanni Antonio Giay, Italian composer (d. 1764)
Sinfonia for strings and b.c. in C major I. Allegro - 0:05 II. Andante - 4:06 III. Finale - Presto - 5:17 Orchestre des Pays de Savoie / Reinhard Goebel (conductor) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0r_I4m9eBvQ
Francesco Antonio Vallotti, Italian organist and composer 1697-1780
con strumenti originali

CD 1
Lezione I per il Mercoledì Santo a Soprano solo con strumenti (Padova, 18 marzo 1739)
[1] Lento («Incipit lamentatio Ieremiae prophetae»)
[2] Larghetto (Daleth - «Viae Sion lugent»)
[3] Recitativo («Facti sunt hostes eius in capite»)
[4] Andante («Jerusalem, convertere ad Dominum»)

Lezione II per il Mercoledì Santo a Tenore solo con violoncello obbligato (Padova, 9 aprile 1743)
[5] Largo (Vau - «Et egressus est»)
[6] Adagiato (Heth - «Peccatum peccavit Ierusalem»)
[7] Vivace («Jerusalem, convertere ad Dominum»)

Lezione III per il Mercoledì Santo a Contralto solo con strumenti (Padova, 17 marzo 1739)
[8] Lento (Jod - «Manum suam misit»)
[9] Larghetto (Mem - «De excelso misit ignem»)
[10] Spiccato («Jerusalem, convertere ad Dominum»)

[Lezione I per il Giovedì Santo a Contralto solo con strumenti (Padova, 10 marzo 1742)
[11] Largo («De lamentatio Iwremiae prophetae»)
[12] Adagio (Jod - «Sederunt in terra»)
[13] [Recitativo] («Defecerunt prae lacrimis oculi mei»)
[14] Vivace («Jerusalem, convertere ad Dominum»)
Lezione II per il Giovedì Santo a Soprano solo con violoncello obbligato (Padova, 24 marzo 1732)
[15] Lento (Lamed)
[16] Recitativo («Matribus suis dixerunt»)
[17] Affettuoso (Mem)
[18] Recitativo («Cui comparabo te?»)
[19] Spiritoso (Nun)
[20] Recitativo («Prophetae tui viderunt»)
[21] Adagiato (Samech)
[22] Recitativo («Plauserunt super te manubus»)
[23] Larghetto («Jerusalem, convertere ad Dominum»)

CD 2
Lezione III per il Giovedì Santo a Tenore solo con strumenti (Padova, 6 aprile 1732)
[1] Adagiato (Aleph)
[2] Recitativo («Ego vir videns»)
[3] Larghetto (Beth)
[4] Recitativo («Vetustam fecit»)
[5] Affettuoso (Ghimel)
[6] Recitativo («Circumaedificavit adversum me»)
[7] Vivace («Jerusalem, convertere ad Dominum»)

Lezione I per il Venerdì Santo a Soprano solo con strumenti (Padova, 12 aprile 1740)
[8] Largo («De lamentatio Ieremiae prophetae»)
[9] Adagiato (Teth - «Bonus est Dominus»)
[10] Vivace («Jerusalem, convertere ad Dominum»)

Lezione II per il Venerdì Santo a Contralto solo con violoncello obbligato (Padova, 23 marzo 1741)
[11] Larghetto (Aleph - «Quomodo obscuratum est aurum»)
[12] Andante (Daleth - «Adhaesit lingua lactantis»)
[13] Vivace («Jerusalem, convertere ad Dominum»)

Lezione III per il Venerdì Santo a Basso solo con strumenti (Padova, 15 aprile 1737)
[14] Adagio («Incipit oratio Ieremiae prophetae»)
[15] Grave («Patres nostri peccaverunt»)
[16] Vivace («Jerusalem, convertere ad Dominum»)

Rosita Frisani, soprano
Marco Lazzara, contralto
Mario Nuvoli, tenore
Gianluca Buratto, basso

con strumenti originali
Giorgio Matteoli,
violoncello solo e direzione

Claudio Andriani, violin I e violetta II (*)
(violin barocco F. Simeoni, Treviso 2007; viola barocca F. Simeoni, Treviso 2002)

Abramo Raule, violin II e I (*)
(violin barocco di scuola cremonese, copia Stradivari)

Marco Lorenzi, violetta I
(viola barocca A. Morano 1980, copia Maggini 1608)

Alessandro Andriani, violoncello (basso continuo)
(violoncello barocco F. Simeoni, Treviso 2006)

Eustasio Cosmo, violone
(violone Giovanni Vettorazzo, Vicenza 1792)

Luca Ambrosio, clavicembalo
(clavicembalo U. Castiglia, Cinisi, Palermo 1998, copia Delin 1756)

Giorgio Matteoli, violoncello (solista)
(violoncello barocco P. Bohr, Gagliano del Mugello 1995, copia Stradivari)

(*) solo Lamentazione III del Venerdì Santo (Basso, archi e continuo)
1704 Carlos Seixas, Portuguese harpsichord player and composer (d. 1742)
Harpsichord Sonatas Vol I,Debora Halasz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qf7K1uvqTDc
DIE HEILIGE FAMILIE MIT ZWEI ENGELN by Joachim Martin Falbe 1709-1782 German portrait painter
Wivenhoe Park (1816) by John Constable, English painter (1776-1837)

photo by Julia Margaret Cameron 1815-1879 Indian photographer
Also sprach Zarathustra, Op. 30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFPwm0e_K98
1877 Renée Vivien, English-French poet (d. 1909)
Lorsque tu vins, à pas réfléchis, dans la brume,
Le ciel mêlait aux ors le cristal et l'airain.
Ton corps se devinait, ondoiement incertain,
Plus souple que la vague et plus frais que l'écume.
Le soir d'été semblait un rêve oriental
De rose et de santal.

Je tremblais. De longs lys religieux et blêmes
Se mouraient dans tes mains, comme des cierges froids.
Leurs parfums expirants s'échappaient de tes doigts
En le souffle pâmé des angoisses suprêmes.
De tes clairs vêtements s'exhalaient tour à tour
L'agonie et l'amour.

Je sentis frissonner sur mes lèvres muettes
La douceur et l'effroi de ton premier baiser.
Sous tes pas, j'entendis les lyres se briser
En criant vers le ciel l'ennui fier des poètes
Parmi des flots de sons languissamment décrus,
Blonde, tu m'apparus.

Et l'esprit assoiffé d'éternel, d'impossible,
D'infini, je voulus moduler largement
Un hymne de magie et d'émerveillement.
Mais la strophe monta bégayante et pénible,
Reflet naïf, écho puéril, vol heurté,
Vers ta Divinité.
MR2 lives on with Toyota GRMN Sports Hybrid Concept II
1894 Kiichiro Toyoda, Japanese businessman, founded Toyota (d. 1952)

1899 Yasunari Kawabata,  was a Japanese novelist and short story writer whose spare, lyrical, subtly-shaded prose works won him the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1968
1910 – 1991 Carmine Coppola,was an American composer, flautist, editor, musical director, and songwriter who contributed original music to The Godfather, The Godfather Part II, Apocalypse Now, and The Godfather Part III, all directed by his son Francis Ford Coppola.
1910-1997 Jacques Cousteau was a French naval officer, explorer, conservationist, filmmaker, innovator, scientist, photographer, author and researcher who studied the sea and all forms of life in water. He co-developed the Aqua-Lung, pioneered marine conservation and was a member of the Académie française.
Amorphic Forms by William Baziotes 1912-1963 American painter.
1913 – 1988 Coby Whitmorewas an American painter and magazine illustrator known for his Saturday Evening Post covers, and a commercial artist whose work included advertisements for Gallo Wine and other national brands. He additionally became known as a race-car designer. Whitmore was inducted into the Society of Illustrators Hall of Fame in 1978.
1919 – Helen Tobias-Duesberg, Estonian-American composer (d. 2010)
1937 – Robin Warren, Australian pathologist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate, who is credited with the 1979 re-discovery of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, together with Barry Marshall. Helicobacter pylori (/ˌhɛlɪkɵˈbæktər paɪˈlɔəraɪ/), previously named Campylobacter pylori, is a Gram-negative, microaerophilic bacterium found in the stomach, and may be present in other parts of the body, such as the eye.
An Inner Dialogue with Frida Kahlo (Skull Ring)', photograph by Yasumasa Morimura born 1951.
Yasumasa Morimura00.jpg


1959 – Magnum T.A., American wrestler
1987 Dappy, English rapper and actor (N-Dubz)
1987 – Didrik Solli-Tangen, Norwegian singer
1991 Dan Howell, English video blogger

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